The 2024 ITTLA Annual Fundraiser tickets are now available! Tickets are $50 each and there is a limited quantity available so don't wait to grab yours. Once all 100 tickets are sold, the winner of the 22 LR Limited Number Edition Longhorn Rifle will be randomly selected and announced. Thank you for your support!
Buy your tickets here!


The Indian Territory Texas Longhorn Association (ITTLA) is an affiliate of the International Texas Longhorn Association.

Our non-profit organization was founded in 1995, our goals are to preserve and promote the Texas Longhorn breed of cattle and the fellowship of our members. We accomplish this by organizing and conducting Futurities, Sales, Shows, Ranch Tours and Instructional Field Days.

We hold 4 quarterly meetings per year with the General Membership Meeting held in December. At this meeting we elect new officers and board members and vote on any changes to our by-laws if required.

We have a great time and really enjoy meeting new Breeders and Longhorn enthusiasts, so come visit us at one of our meetings or annual functions. Please contact one of our officers or members for dates and locations of meetings.